Speaker spotlight

Meet the Speaker: Morgan Norris

Since 2006, Morgan Norris has been acutely focused on the power of content for technical companies. Morgan knows how to develop content and how to get it into the right hands. She is bringing her content marketing insights to her Industrial Marketing Summit session, Building and Measuring Brand Authority. During her session, Morgan will discuss […]

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Speaker spotlight

Meet the Speaker: Mary Keough

Industrial marketing is primed for a shake-up, and Mary Keough here for the shaking. With experience in manufacturing and agency settings, Mary brings a unique and insightful view to her session, FINALLY. A Marketing & Sales Alignment Strategy that Just Might Work. Marketing-sales misalignment is especially apparent in industrial companies because marketing is often the […]

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Speaker spotlight

Meet the Speaker: MJ Smith

The industrial Marketing Summit is excited to host, MJ Smith, a young professional with years of leadership experience and B2B marketing insights. MJ will be sharing these insights during her session, The Transformative Power of Product Marketing. During her session, MJ will discuss how product marketing has the power to transform your business. Although hard […]

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Speaker spotlight

Meet the Speaker: John Joyce

With more than 20 years of experience in marketing and technology in the industrial space, John Joyce has lived the struggles and successes of industrial marketers firsthand. John is bringing his expertise to the Industrial Marketing Summit with his session, Striking a Balance: Human Creativity and Machine Efficiency in Industrial Marketing. In his session, John […]

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5 Industrial Marketing Tips from Industry Pros

We recently talked to the top minds in the industrial marketing world and asked them for their best advice, and we’ve curated it here now! Learn how the following industry experts handle content creation, consumer insights, and everything between. Industrial Marketing Tip 1: “You have only one chance to make an outstanding first ‘Webpression’” -Curt […]

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